How my year is going, be it bad or good, how my year is going.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

weekend fun

This was one of those weekends where I had the kids and we did family stuff.
I picked them up on Friday and then we went up to my mom's because that is where the "parking lot" and I showed the kids my company car. C'mon, a black trailblazer to a 10yo is pretty cool.
After stopping by mom's, we headed across the border to one of the biggest flea markets. $20 a kid, with the endless amount of stuff that was there equals 2 webkinz, dog tags, and trading cards not to mention chili dogs, nachos, lemonade and Italian sausage.
We checked out the local park that is just across the street, the kids ran around like crazy (even dad had some fun) and then just did stuff that I miss doing with them; answering the crazy questions, telling them to stop the fighting, getting the hugs.
It was a good weekend

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