How my year is going, be it bad or good, how my year is going.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


The title is in reference to the year of 2008 because it sucked on a lot of levels, but at the same time was good and thus I have to do a lot of typing. I don't like typing, I'm good at it but that doesn't mean I like it.....*sigh*.....

I'm going to start off with the year in review, bad version:
I lost a pillar in my life in a way that really sucks. No warning, phone call at work, words I will never forget, things that were not supposed to happen. I had to say good bye to my dad without him showing my boy how to drive (behind my back, in the way a grandpa is supposed to do), just as we were becoming friends and not "father and son". I will never look at 2-ply the same way again.
I lost my family because of things. I had the american dream of a wife, 2 kids, a dog, a car, a truck, a house, debt out the wazoo, and happiness but that was taken away because of infidelity.

The above happened within 3 weeks. I was crushed and I won't lie, I thought about how easy it would be to drive into a ditch at 80mph, on a cliff road so that the kids would have money. I really did, more than once, but I also knew that I was too strong for that and so I trudged on. It was hard, harder than some would think (friends said that they would have ended things after all that) but I couldn't because I have 2 kids that mean more to me than some may ever know. I did things alone, sure I had family support but mom was dealing with things, sis was dealing with things and I don't have many friends so I was alone.

Alone sucks. I can go for days without talking to anyone by my kids but that doesn't make things better. Just imagine 8 moths without feeling the touch of someone else. I've done it and will be doing it again. But......

The year in review, good version:

I've learned that I deserve better. I have found out that I am not as bad of a man that I make myself out to be. I have found that there are wonderful women out there that have gone through a lot more than I have and just, for lack of a better word, rock. I have made friends that I wouldn't have a year ago, gone places that I wouldn't have, done things that I may have been afaid to before.

I have learned so much about people, myself and just life in the the past year but I am going to be selfish; I want to be happy. I want to find that one, I want to feel that way, I want to be happy and I feel that I will get those things. Sure, it will take work but I am willing to do that.

I am bear.

If you read this than that means that you are really awesome.
Thank you.

giant mixed nut tin (less than 50% peanuts)


Anonymous said...

moe, I count you among one of the great things that 2008 brought into my life. And that alone makes the year worthwhile. xoxo

rahree said...

i have super good feelings for you and 2009 - i think you're going to be best friends, and that when you go out, 2009 is always going to pick up the check. :)

lud you!