How my year is going, be it bad or good, how my year is going.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thinking about changing

Okay, so I went through some life changing things and one thing it taught me was that I have to try and change who I am.
This must be true for I've been told it several times.
I am an introvert.
I'm not comfortable being loud, in the spotlight, being out there.
I like to hang back, observe and interject when I feel I can.
Yet, I've been told I have to change who I am.
There are things that I like to do, but have been told I have to change them if I want to get out there among others. That doesn't seem right to me. To change who I am, what I like, so that I can fit in with others.
Get out there and start up conversations with strangers? It took my dad years to get to that point, and I'm expected to do it in just a few months?
I take after my dad; quiet, stoic, great sense of humor when it's shown, great hair.
But I have to change. I don't want to.
I think I'm pretty okay the way I am because it helps me to weed out people that shouldn't be in my life for they don't understand what it is like being an introvert.
I have friends (sure, a very small number) but they know what I'm like and don't try to force me to be like them, for they are extroverts. They know my background and understand some of the reasons I am how I am and accept that.
Sure, I would love to be the life of the party, when I walk into a room everyone turns their head and a cheer goes up, but that isn't me.
I spent a lot of time alone growing up. I was good at it and over the years it has been harder and harder to break myself of it. I do try but sometimes it backfires and I end up taking 2 steps back.
I know that some people might just say, "Just get out there and be yourself" but if I do, I am doing what they don't want me to do. Sheesh.
I need more coffee, doing this opening up stuff is new to me.

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