How my year is going, be it bad or good, how my year is going.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Going South

I made the flight at 8:15am which meant I had to leave at 5:30 which is the time I normally wake up. I am not big on flying just because sometimes I get claustrophobic and the tiny planes I was on didn't help. I was an uneventful trip, changing planes in Atlanta and heading deeper south. I read, I listened to music, I dozed off even though I tried not to (they have to pump something into the cabins) and just went.

I got to my destination and there is a lot that needs to be done. I have heard stories about how things are run, how people are feeling and I was only there for a few hours. I am acting as a themometer for the company to see what needs to be done at this one location. So far, I have an idea. I got it from one of the workers and not the higher up. I am a worker but acting like a higher up this week. I am a man of the people.

It seems, though, at the end of the month I get sent to some place to help out. It happened last month in Chicago, this month with Mississippi, and who knows about next month. One thing that is good is that I get a chance to catch up on the paperwork and forms that I am supposed to fill out every day. Another thing is that the kids get postcards from the different places I've been. As a kid, there was nothing like getting real mail. In this age of everything is mailed, something that is had written, travels all over the country and is physical can be cool.

Well, I am off to observe, audit and sweat.
badger claws.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Yesterday started off foggy. It was a fog that wouldn't lift throughout the day. It was there when I woke up and was there for the morning and even into the afternoon. It put me in a mood. I just didn't like it. Thought too much about the past.

As the fog lifted so did the mood. I think I really need sunny skies or I tend to be grumpy. During the fog, I got phone calls that I didn't want to get. Nothing earth shattering bad, just not good. Kept the fog around. Found out about pay decreases and that isn't good.

I also found out that the company needed someone to go away to help another location. I decided to go; Mississippi here I come. The place of my first tattoo, where I went to on my first flight, where I first met my now ex-father-in-law. I have to fly again.

I was told today what it is I need to do while down there and though it won't be fun, I am going to do it. Also, it might be a way for me to move up in the company and that is not a bad thing. Willing to travel, no one at home waiting for me, making sure that I will still have the kids every other weekend (non-negotiable).

I don't know what else to say. I'm bored, lonely and broke. The kids have a lot of things, the ex has a lot of things, I have hand me downs. Yeah, I'm still in a little fog. Eh, its about time.


Let us abuse the system

I am a blue collar worker. I work hourly. I get paid for an honest days work. I am getting screwed by others who play the system. I know who some of them are and what they have done. They have made me loose money so I don't like them.

Normally, I work between 10 and 12 hours a day, which means I get over time. That helps with paying for things that I have to pay for; rent, child support, food. I count on it and have made it part of my budget. I do work during those hours and I don't take a mandatory lunch break, I drive right through that. I never really know how many hours I am going to work but I don't slack off and often short change myself if I get stuck in traffic, if I have to wait for things, if I am getting gas. I put down the hours I work, the miles I travel, the cars I do, no more no less.

There are others that no matter what put down a flat amount of time. They may travel less than I, do less cars than I, abuse the company vehicle, but I get screwed. Because of these people, the dishonest, the players, the idiots, those of us in the company that are honest lose money. I want to hit the ones I know of with a bat and then say thanks.

I am looking for an additional job so that I can afford my internet connection; needed for work. So I can buy my kids stuff they need; like food when they are with me. So I can save for the future. Do I regret things that have happened in my past, decisions that I have made to get me to where I am? Hell yeah I do. Am I trying to live with them and change? Hell yeah I am. Is it going to be easy? Hell yeah it, um, wait. No, no it isn't.

I am strong like bear.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Week in Review +

So, I have talked about the many miles I have traveled but now I am going to talk about what has happened to me other than that. It will be random, it won't make sense to anyone but me, but it will be written.

A week ago at this time I was in a different state hanging out with my sistah and my brother. The kids were surrounded by bubbles out the wazoo after a day of international fun and comic books. I met a friend for the "first" time and she was really cool. Boogly was scared of me but then warmed up, I saw a lot of things that were new. It was a good time.

So, last Friday I picked up the kids from school so that we could make the trek to Virginia and it was raining. It rained the whole time down there but I had snacks, note pads and diet pepsi max, which was a bad choice on my part. I gave it to the kids and they were wired the whole trip down. For me, the conversation was good, though erratic, but good. We made the trip in about 5 hrs and then, we were there. The kids were into everything, asking questions, touching what ever they could, being kids. I was beat but it was good to be with family.

We, the kids and I, were treated to some food at a local Mexican restaurant and they ordered kid food, the adults got some good grub and then it was back to the homestead. That is where sistah found out how awesome her bathroom is in the eyes of a 9 and 10 year old. Jacuzzi tub plus Mr. Bubble = "THIS IS AWESOME!!!!" Like a big bowl of Cool-Whip that you could be in. I was jealous. But it was early bed time and so the kids, with help of sistah, mad a fort and zonked out.

Sis and I talked about things on the porch but then heard a crash. Kitteh tried to sleep on the top of the fort but crashed it. Kids still asleep, adults checking, all good. Adults go to sleep and then it is the next day.

The next day: get the kids up, adults have coffee from a really weird machine, kids eat breakfast, everyone gets ready, off we go. The International Childrens Festival. So much for the kids to do, the heat oppressive, the kids keep going until they are grumpy, the adults sweating, the kids keep on going, paint on pants and in hair, really cool thumb drives. Good time.

Saturday night, kids love the tub, sistah and brother forget that kids only have on and off, old new friend comes over. I'll admit that it is tough to be a dad when those around you don't know what it is like. Sure, I want to hang out with the adult, but I have to make sure that the littles are taken care of. Saturday night was one of those nights, but I had help. I got to expierence some adult time with an old new friend. Sistah and brother took the kids for icec and I got to talk to an awesome woman. I liked it.

Sunday, brother had to leave, kids were reading and doing homework (can't let that slide) and it was just a normal Sunday that the monkeys don't get to have. Muffins, cartoons, Boogly.

The rest of the week, after dropping the kids off at their mom's was filled with road work. Driving a lot, regretting that I should have taken a lunch invitation, listening to awesome new music. Meeting another new old friend. (another post in the future)

I'm tired, going to put a movie on and zonk out. Yep, I faded but that is the curse of the lonley single guy.

Take care.

Friday, September 19, 2008


That is how many miles I have traveled this week. From Monday morning until Friday evening, I traveled 1440 miles. Do me a favor and hit the trip reset on your odometer. When you hit 1440 let me know; let me know how long it took, let me know where you went, let me know. I am a road warrior, I am a mobile office, I am Traffic. On that highway that you travel, I might be there. On that back country road, I might be there.

I drive a lot for my job because there are others that won't do it. But I will. I spent 4.5 hrs to go to one place, spend 15 minutes, then drive back to a couple of other places on the way back. I was about an hour away from sistah's place the other day, but being the good company man that I am, I said no to lunch, and trudged on. I had work to do. How sad is that?

The good thing is that, um, I can sit for a really long time? I can entertain myself? I enjoy the things that I see because if I don't I would go crazy? Thank goodness for sistah because when the kids and I went down there (a post to follow) she burned me not 1, not 2, but 3 cds to listen to and they have been in the beast since I got them. Danke sis.

That is what I do, I drive. I drive and work. I don't have a lot. I have my kids when I have them, I have my 3br place, I have my family and I have my very few friends.

I am Traffic.
(need to get the business cards changed)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh what a feeling...

Yes, I know that I haven't written anything in quite some time but I don't care. I am a man where I do things when I want, as long as it is okay with others. I wake up when I want to (thanks to the alarm clock) I go to work when I want (but in time to get things done) I eat what I want (as long as it is in the fridge) I am a man that does what the wants when he want to.

Okay, back to reality.

Some updates as they pertain to me; I got offered a job in Chicago to run the office we have out there but with everything that is going on in my life, right now is not the time. I wouldn't be able to see my kids like I do now, and that is what is important. I do like to know that on the professional level I am wanted.

I've been driving like a maniac putting on over 1000 miles a week and all I can say is that I have listened to every single cd I own many times over. I don't listen to the radio because of how it goes in and out as well as annoying commercial breaks. I didn't like them when I worked in radio and I don't like them now as a mere listener.

I don't know about women but who does. The amazing woman that I met and I are constantly talking and texting and such. We talk about everything and it is nice to have someone that is going through some of the things that I am, but on the opposite side, to talk to. Is it going to lead to anything other than friendship? I don't know and I'm not going to think about it. Sometimes I think I come into people's lives when they need me and then I go away. I don't mind it, I am such an angel.

This weekend the kids and I are going to visit my sistah in a different state. I am making it an adventure for the kids by taking them out of school early (one of the most awesome things that can be done) so that we can make the trip south and east. We will get to see the new place, see how big boogly has gotten, hopefully meet some new friends for the first time, and just have a blast. I do have a feeling that I won't see the kids too much because, well, UNCLE D and AUNT L whem they adore.

Well, I'm off to travel western PA and enjoy the sights. I might even work a little today.
