How my year is going, be it bad or good, how my year is going.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I want it all

I'm talking the things sold on tv in those 30 second spots. I want to cut garlic with just a few taps, I want to latest dance mixes, I want a fun, cardio dance party. I want those rocking abs, I want to be warm but can still use my arms which I can't do with a blanket, my dog (wait I don't have one) needs it's nails trimmed in a safe way.

I like television, I grew up with it, it has been a constant. I can remember sitting on a bouncy horse while mom was working on the new house we were going to move into and watching a little black and white tv. PBS with Mr. Rodgers, the Letter People, Sesame Street. I had a thermos filled with chocolate milk and I was happy.

That same black and white tv was in my room, in a different house, when my friend Richard and I first had Jolt. We went to the corner store, loaded up on candy and Jolt, and stayed up all night. Until the sun came up all night. I remember watching a movie, "Them" and was glad it was in black and white because giant ants can be scary.

I remember the nights that I would watch bad movies while growing up, the couch in my dorm room where every evening my roommate and I made time for the Simpsons and watched WWF, the countless travel shows I would watch so that I knew about other places, the laughs and tears.

Yeah, I am a tv junkie but can you blame me? It has been there for me no matter what, no matter how I am feeling, no matter who else is around me. It has offered escape, knowledge, insight and new things to find out about.

I'm a potato and I like it.


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