How my year is going, be it bad or good, how my year is going.

Friday, October 31, 2008


As this Halloween wraps up, I am in my living room with my monkeys passed out due to the copius amounts of sugar that they have ingested throughout the day, the original versions of "The Wickerman" on the tube, and an adult beverage on the table.

The day started off with the upstairs neighbors fighting at about 3 this morning and has been a ride since then. I hit the snooze a few more times than I should have so I woke up late. The coffee was a bit weak but that does help with the miles I put on. I hurt from my drive the day before, the back the worse and that worries me, but the sun was out and I tend to be in a good mood when that happens. I really didn't want to work but I knew that it would pass the time and I also worked on my costume, I am not up to the full body monster suit, but working on it.

I found out that the kids were going to miss trick or treating in my neighborhood because it was changed from Friday to Thursday, but my friend invited us to her place to partake of the free begging for sugar so we went. I picked the kids up, we had dinner so as to curb the want for sugar (Yeah, like that worked) and then spent 1.5 hrs walking around my friend's neighborhood and they got good things, I'm talking full sized and no junk. There were no bags of pennies, no apples, no pencils, but Snickers, Reese's Cups, Hershey's and the like. I figured about an easy 8lbs of loot. Tomorrow, that number grows.

I will say that I really wanted to hit on the waitress at the restaurant where we had dinner, but didn't. Part of it was, that she was very appealing, with my luck she was too young. I thought about leaving a business card with my personal number on the back but thought, "Wow, that are being cheesy" so I didn't. But maybe I should have because how many times did she tell the single guy with two kids how polite they were? Yeah, I read too much into things.

I'm just happy because I can see them, they had a "great day" and I am my kid's dad, no matter what.


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