How my year is going, be it bad or good, how my year is going.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The stress diet

I was never a skinny kid except for when I was really young, and I'm talking single digits old.  There is a picture of me with my best friend around a camp fire and we looked like the number 10 reversed.
I don't know why I was always a big guy, but it did help to shape the way that I am.  I was quiet, recluse, and deep into books.  Being the big shy kid made getting friends hard.  I was always the funny kid for I used it to try to be popular.  In elementary school, it wasn't so bad because kids that age don't care too much.
Middle school was a different story.  Girls were on my mind; I can still remember the 2 girls that I was ga-ga for, and one was half of a set of twins.  The problem with being a big guy was that I was looked at as friend material.  So I looked to sports to get popular and the girl.  I played football.
I had visions making the great plays, getting the girl, being popular.  That wasn't the case for this defensive lineman.  Nope not at all. Then in high school, after moving to a new place (yup, not good for this guy) I first started to revert into my shy mode, I read just about everything that Stephen King had written up to that point, but then.....a soccer team started.
I went for it.  I knew nothing and was playing against those who played for years.  I started to loose the weight due to the constant running, which lead me to pursue being a lifeguard.  Soccer, lifeguard all in the name of getting a girl (at that time, I wasn't picky, I was a teenager. sheesh, stop hounding me)
So in high school, I lost weight, was a tanned up, life guarding and thought it was going to turn out.  It didn't happen, sure I heard that so-and-so really liked me but had a boyfriend, but I just wasn't a chick magnet.  So off to college I go.....
In college I found food, booze, sleep and the occasional woman that would give me the time of day.  More, though, it was food, booze and sleep.  I went from 186 at h.s. graduation up to 250 when I graduated college.  That didn't help with a lot of stuff.  
Over the years, I tried to loose the weight, found a girl that wanted me, fell into what I thought was going to be the rest of my life and in the past 5 years, was about 280 at my heaviest.  I was never happy, but I tried to loose it but just couldn't.
Then I found the stress diet.
Before the stresses, over 3 years I had dropped to about 240 and I could carry it well.  I knew what clothes to wear, how to hold myself.  So that's about 4o in 3 years to drop? Not bad some might say.
After the stresses, in the past 4 months I've dropped to under 200.  I know, you might say that it's stress, it isn't healthy, you'll get it back.  But what I've noticed is that my habits have changed from what they were before.  I eat small meals, I don't eat after 6pm, drink lots of water and have been working out just about everyday.  I do cardio, as well as low weight, high reps because I don't want to be all bulked up, I want to look good.  Now for someone to notice.
But I do have some weaknesses, like chunky monkey because I do love banana ice cream.
eek eek

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